John Harrison, after graduating from Bentley University in 1970, went into the U. S. Navy and was stationed with the Naval Security Group at NAVCOMMSTA Sidi Yahia, Morocco for an enriching two years. Upon returning to the USA, he founded EPILOG ENTERPRISES in 1975, a book distributing business of which he has been president since. It is this business that has brought him into the orbit of the authors in this book. Harrison has always been interested in photography but Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts and the wildlife opportunities there gave his love of photography direction. His photographs have been published by Mass Audubon, The Humane Society of the U. S., Project Coyote in CA, and in books, magazines, newspapers and websites. He presents wildlife power point programs at schools and for senior citizen groups, and has authored THE MEDFORD WILDLIFE WATCH blog for the Medford Transcript newspaper for many years.