John Hunt


John Hunt is a former Marine and Vietnam war veteran. He is the director of Evangelistic Ambassadors, an organization that partners with ministries to reach the homeless, ex-convicts, and other lost and hurting people that are finding new life in Christ. He has been teaching weekly Bible studies for over 49 years with the intension of building up people in their faith, regardless of their Christian denomination. John is also the author of Hopscotching to Hell Sleep Walking to Heaven, Meeting God and the Tooth Fairy on the Road to the Grave, If It Ain’t Broke—Let’s Fix It Till It Is! Coming Soon! THE SILENCING "The Silencing" uncovers the unsettling reality of how Christians and conservatives are being systematically muted in today's politically correct world. In this eye-opening exploration, you'll learn about: The alarming methods used by the thought police in media, academia, and politics. How the far left uses labels like "racist" and "homophobic" as weapons to silence dissenting voices. The hypocrisy of those who preach tolerance but stifle opposing viewpoints. Why the true threats to freedom are often the ones claiming to protect it.



