Dr. John Trent is the President of The Center for StrongFamilies and StrongFamilies.com (registered as a 501(c)(3) under the name of "Encouraging Words"). He is a nationally known speaker and award winning author. His recent books include the recently revised and updated million selling book, The Blessing, (An ECPA Gold Medallion Winner) The 2 Degree Difference, The Treasure Tree (a children's book that is also a Gold Medallion Winner)and Chasing Skinny Rabbits. Dr. Trent released two new books in 2011 in addition to the re-release of The Blessing. 2011 new releases are: "I'd Choose You" a children's book and "A Place Called Blessing". Both are partner books with "The Blessing" and help families participate in The Blessing Challenge. Dr. Trent speaks at marriage and family conferences across the country, as well as in many corporate settings (including being a past presenter at YPO's prestigious Global Leadership Conference). He has been married for 30 years to his wife, Cindy, and they have two outstanding daughters, Kari and Laura.