Johnathan Malcolm - Born in 1974 in Forth Worth Texas now living outside Houston Texas. Married in 2001 and has 3 children. Hobbies include writing, traveling, cooking, gardening, and spending time with friends and family. When not working or writing his favorite place to be is on his 100-acre ranch in East Texas. He began his journey to becoming a writer in 2002 when he submitted his first short story to an outdoor magazine. The story was picked up and published shortly after being submitted. His time since then has been dedicated to the raising of his three boys and spending time with his wife. In 2020 he began writing a book for his oldest son " Money Management for Any Age or Income" to guide him in ways to becoming financially stable early on in his life and allowing him to to retire at an earlier age. Upon completion of the book he wanted to share this information with other young adults and those who need direction on managing their finances in a way to allow financial independence. Information that applies to anyone, regardless of their age or income. Thus his book was listed on Amazon to allow a broad audience to access the information. He has also enjoyed publishing what is known as "low content books". Books for general use in a variety of categories including, cooking, traveling, art, and personal relaxation. His newest venture is in illustrated childrens books. His first book is to be released in summer of 2021. He intends to have a number of publications in this genre. Though he still works full time, he has many passions that drive him to write in his spare time with the hopes of one day becoming a full time author.