Jonathan Brenneman was born in Rochester, New York and raised in Pennsylvania. Although a troubled child, he was at the same time very religious. He read the Bible from cover to cover when he was seven years old, all the while questioning and wondering about the existence of God. When Jonathan was nine years old, he woke up one morning with bad back pain. His mother prayed for him. To his surprise, he felt something like a hot ball of energy rolling up and down inside his back. The pain melted away. He later told his friends, “I know that God is real. I felt his hand on my back.” In spite of this experience, Jonathan still had no peace. He prayed the “sinner’s prayer” but with no change until two years later when he had a born-again experience. It felt like heaven opened and unexplainable joy and peace descended upon him! He was different, and knew it! The things he’d felt so guilty about and tried unsuccessfully to change, were simply gone. Jonathan dedicated his life to the Lord as a missionary, going on his first mission trip at age fourteen. As a teenager and young adult, he continued to travel and learn languages. During a time of desperation when he was twenty-one, God touched him powerfully at a Christian conference. It was the beginning of growing in a supernatural lifestyle. Many amazing miracles and healings began to happen. In between construction jobs, Jonathan began visiting churches in the United States, Canada, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. He has preached in four languages and his ministry journeys have included Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Italy, Canada, Mexico, Belize, and Brazil. In these places, Jonathan has taught and encouraged believers, shared Christ with unbelievers, and prayed for thousands of people. He’s often worked with children and seniors. Jonathan considers it a tremendous privilege to serve the people Jesus gave his life for. In spite of great difficulty, Jonathan moved to Brazil in 2012. He spent seven years in Rio de Janeiro and is now a missionary in Goiânia with his wife Elizabeth and two daughters. He is involved in evangelistic outreaches, supporting local rescue missions, caring for the poor, and teaching the church to do the works Jesus did.