Jonathan Fluck


Jonathan Fluck is a dedicated student of the Scriptures, driven by a deep passion to uncover the truth of Yahweh's word. After spending much of his life following mainstream Christian teachings, Jonathan was introduced to Torah observance in 2020. This pivotal moment—realizing that Yahweh’s Torah might still be relevant to his life—led him to dive deeper into Scripture than ever before, seeking for the truth in every verse. His journey began with attempts to disprove the Torah’s applicability: he tried to prove that the Sabbath had moved to the first day of the week, that dietary restrictions no longer applied, and that the Feast Days were irrelevant. But time after time, his studies led him to the same conclusion—those ideas simply did not hold up to Scripture. Jonathan’s efforts then shifted to confirming that Yahweh’s followers are still called to obey the Torah, and with each verse, his convictions grew stronger. Both the Bible and historical texts beyond the Bible confirm that Yeshua, the apostles, and their followers all kept the Torah. His conclusion? We should do the same. With over two decades of professional experience as a software engineer, Jonathan now uses his analytical mindset to study and teach Scripture. He is in the process of establishing the Watchmen of Israel Foundation, a resource dedicated to offering definitive answers, theological insight, and practical help to the Natsarim community.

