Joryn Jenkins


Joryn Jenkins is a trial lawyer with 39 years of courtroom experience. She received her B.A. from Yale when she was nineteen years old and, later, her J.D. from Georgetown. Joryn received an award given to only one person each year in the Supreme Court of the United States, and was also granted the President’s Award, the highest honor that the Federal Bar bestows, again, to one person annually. While highly skilled in the courtroom, Joryn’s mission is to “change the way the world gets divorced,” to keep families out of court. Joryn’s clients say “She helps people divorce each other without destroying their families.” Joryn is former editor of The Family Law Commentator and former editor-in-chief of both The Federal Lawyer and The Bencher magazines. She authored Florida Civil Practice Motions (Lexis), and, more recently, War or Peace, I Never Saw My Father Again, and three additional books about the collaborative divorce process (Open Palm Press), all available on Amazon.


