Jose Silva's life is more than a great American success story. It has transcended time and space to become one of the world's all time great success stories. Orphaned at age 4, he never attended school as a student; yet the reading and research that he undertook to help his own children, unlocked secrets of the mind and human potential that had remained hidden for thousands of years. Jose Silva made a giant advancement in the 1960's when he became the first scientist to develop a method that allows everybody to use the powerful alpha brainwave level with conscious awareness, and allowed us to demonstrate to ourselves how consciousness connects us all. This integrated our body-mind functioning and launched a huge consciousness expansion industry with thousands of knock offs of Silva Mind Control. But he knew there was something more. In 1998 he gave the world the UltraMind ESP System, a new course that takes consciousness expansion beyond the limits of physics, into the spiritual dimension, and helps you to lead a more successful and meaningful life. "Remember," he told us, "the reason we were given psychic ability is so we can use it to communicate with higher intelligence to find out what to do and how to do it successfully." The UltraMind ESP System includes a brand new scientifically researched and proven technique to do just that: the MentalVideo. The MentalVideo takes the next step in the evolution of consciousness by empowering you to use the Delta brain wave level purposefully and deliberately so you can communicate reliably with higher intelligence in the spiritual dimension. This man with no formal schooling wrote the book on mind development - in fact, he's had more than a dozen books published by major publishers, in two dozen languages. While Jose Silva may have moved on to new assignments, his work is still going strong in live seminars, books, and convenient home study courses.