Joe lives in Exton, Pennsylvania with his wife Marian. They have six grown children and two granddaughters. Aside from his writing, Joe teaches history at Regina Luminis Academy in Berwyn, Pennsylvania. He is a graduate of Villanova University and has received a master's in theology from the Graduate School of Christendom College. He has done doctoral work in theology at Catholic University in Washington DC. Joe is an active member of the Catholic Writers Guild. His first book, THE GHOSTS OF WESTTHORPE ACADEMY, was published in 2018, followed by MIRACLE AT THE MISSION (2022) which is the second book of the series entitled the Westthorpe Academy Mysteries. You can follow Joe at his author website: https://www.josephlewisauthor.com/, or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Westthorpe-Academy-Mysteries-by-Joseph-Lewis-1763973660337715. You can also find Joe at his publisher's author page: https://elklakepublishinginc.com/authors/.