Joyce Akesson has studied the Semitic languages at Lund's University, Sweden, and has previously been a lecturer there during many years. She is the author of The Many Faces of Joy: Happiness in Philosophy, Religion, Literatur, "Lexique thématique de l'arabe pratique", "A Vocabulary of Arabic in Daily Life", "A Dictionary of Economics and Business, English - Arabic", "Arabic Love Poetry from the Desert: Majnun Leyla, Arabic Text, Commentary and Translations", "Arabic Proverbs and Wise Sayings", "Causes and Principles in Arabic", "A Study of Arabic Phonology", "The Basics & Intricacies of Arabic Morphology", "The Phonological Changes due to the Hamza and Weak Consonant in Arabic", "A Study of the Assimilation and Substitution in Arabic", "The Essentials of the Class of the Strong Verb in Arabic", "The Complexity of the Irregular Verbal and Nominal Forms & the Phonological Changes in Arabic", "Majnun Leyla: Poems about Passion", "Arabic Morphology and Phonology based on the Marah" and "Ahmad b. Ali b. Masud on Arabic Morphology, Part One: The Strong Verb". She has also published several articles about Arabic linguistics in two Journals, the Journal of Arabic Linguistics (the ZAL or Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik) Wiesbaden, and the previous Acta Orientalia, Denmark. She has also written a lemma about sarf "morphology/phonology in the Encyclopaedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, vol. 4. Leiden: Brill, 20. She is also the author of the following books of poems "Love's Thrilling Dimensions", "The Invitation", "Majnun Leyla: Poems about Passion" and "Arabic Poetry from the Desert". Two of her poems have also been selected in an Anthology in the UK, "The New Poetry: In Love".