Judith S. Beck


Judith S. Beck, PhD, is President of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. She is also Clinical Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. She has written over 100 articles and chapters as well as books for professionals and consumers. Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Basics and Beyond has been published in over 20 countries and its third edition (2020) includes a recovery orientation. Dr. Beck has made hundreds of presentations, nationally and internationally, on topics related to CBT; she is the codeveloper of the Beck Youth Inventories and the Personality Belief Questionnaire; she has developed online courses with participants from 130 countries; and she has won numerous awards for her contributions to the field. She continues to treat clients through Beck Institute’s in-house clinic. Beck Institute (beckinstitute.org) is a nonprofit organization that provides state-of-the-art training and certification in CBT to individuals and organizations and serves as a leading global resource in CBT. Beck Institute Cares (cares.beckinstitute.org) provides information and resources about CBT to the general public.



