Julia Lobo

About the author

Julia Lobo is a writer and editor who grew up on a farm with horses, dogs, cats, and the occasional llama. She loves books of every sort: storybooks, picture books, novels, biographies, encyclopedias, dictionaries—heck, she even owns a vintage phone book! Two children's books that will always hold a special place in her heart are Go, Dog. Go! and Hop on Pop, the very first books she read all by herself. Her mom will tell you that she read a Golden Books edition of Cinderella from cover to cover when she was just two years old, but in fact she was only reciting the words for each page. She had memorized all the lines after hearing that beloved book read aloud night after night after night. Julia has been working in publishing for more than a decade. Though she has written and edited content of all kinds, most of her time has been spent with children's books.

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