Julianne Moore


JULIANNE MOORE is the author of five books for children, four of them about a girl named Freckleface Strawberry. Freckleface Strawberry is based on Julianne herself as a child. “I was tiny, too,” she says, “and where I got my freckles from was a mystery.” As well as appearing in a series of bestselling books, Freckleface Strawberry now stars in two interactive apps and a musical play. Ms. Moore is currently at work on two more early readers about Freckleface Strawberry, which will come out in early 2015. She is also the author of My Mom Is a Foreigner, but Not to Me. In a glowing review, the New York Times wrote of the book: “Moore captures the children’s complicated mix of feelings: embarrassment, defiance, pride, appreciation and, most palpably, love.” Her love of reading started early; books were Julianne's constant companions as her military family moved from place to place. “I am a huge lover of literature and books have always played a central role in my life.” she says. “So the opportunity to participate in a world that holds so much meaning for me has just been tremendous.” An internationally-recognized, Academy Award-winning actor, she lives in New York City with her family. Photo by Brian Bowen Smith



