Julie Starr


Julie Starr is a coach, mentor, speaker, and writer who works to encourage coaching principles in everyday life. For her work in organizations, go to www.starrcoaching.co.uk and for open programmes, check out www.learnstarr.co.uk Julie's coaching books aim to de-mystify coaching and mentoring, making skills available to anyone and everyone. Her aim is to encourage coaching behaviors to be so normal, natural and every day, that people don't even recognize them as coaching. Behaviors like listening with effective attention or offering an observation before a solution. Behaviors that suggest we see the value in someone else's process of personal enquiry - and trust in the ultimate benefits of that. It’s a quiet revolution, and a revolution just the same. Julie also writes novels for Young Adults and her first book, Magic to Memphis, is now available. For further info, check out www.ruffdogbooks.com



