Kaushal Kishore


Kaushal Kishore, M.Sc., CAIIB, CFA(ICFAI), FRM is retired executive from NABARD, Apex agricultural and rural development bank of India. He has excellent experience in Accounts, Finance, Microcredit, Sustainable Development, Risk Management, ALM and general banking. Upbringing by his religious parents Late Shri Nawal Kishore Prasad Verma and Late Mrs. Shanti Devi ensured that he studied Ramayana, Mahabharata, several Puranas, and other Hindu religious books in childhood, well before graduation. He also received diploma on Vedic literature and Indian studies from Bhisma School of IKS. He has completed analytic translation of hymns of Vedas and plans to publish a series to clarify secrets of Vedas. He continues extensive Swadhyaya of Vedas, Upanishads and other Shruti and Smrity literatures of Hindu religion.


