Kandy is from Hamilton, Ontario. She has been a registered practical nurse since 2012. Her love and passion for nursing and helping people created her desire to volunteer in underdeveloped countries. She began journaling her trips in 2017-2019. Her first book called Love, Travel, and Volunteering Caring for the World is a diary-entry style book that captures what it was like living and volunteering in Peru & Guatemala as a nurse, with dogs in Mexico & Jamaica, and with children in Thailand & South Africa. Kandy will continue to write and publish her travel and volunteer adventures when she is able to travel again. Kandy has also published her 2nd book called Shattered A True Story of Trauma and Healing. The book captures the trauma that she had been through in life, especially the most recent traumatic event, which left her dealing with PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Kandy knows what it is like to feel so alone, while trying to cope with trauma, fear, nightmares, dissociation etc. As a result, she published her healing journey, in hope that her story can help others through trauma and PTSD, and to let them know that they are not alone in what they are experiencing when it comes to trauma.