Kara Tatelbaum


Described by the New Yorker as “having brown curls, bright eyes, kiddish exuberance and looking like the heroine of a children’s book, Really Rosie meets Olivia the Pig,” Kara Tatelbaum brings full-out dancer energy to all of her endeavors. She tries like hell not to pigeon-hole herself—striving for a life of authenticity, grace, and humor. As a sought-after teacher and coach, Kara empowers others to hold on, let go, realize, and expand their own dreams. You can find her spotlight center-stage or cheering from the audience. Turns out she’s comfortable both places. Kara’s memoir Putting My Heels Down: a memoir of having a dream…and a day job—a brutally honest look at her life as a dancer and very reluctant Pilates instructor trying to make it in NYC—will be released by Motina Books on International Dance Day (April 29, 2022). Kara lives in NYC with her husband and two children. (Half of that sentence is still a total shock!) Follow @karatatelbaum on Instagram


