Katherine's life is found in Christ, and so His name is sprinkled throughout her writings. You'll also find humour, wisdom and encouragement sprinkled in her writing as well! Although Katherine is physically disabled, she lives an active, productive life. After working with Youth With A Mission for 14 years, she eventually settled in Alberta Canada. Someone once said, "You can take the minister out of the pulpit, but you can't take the ministry out of the minister." Katherine oversees I Lift My Eyes Ministries, founded in 1995, reaching thousands across the Internet on a daily basis. Through her blog, mailing lists and impacting Social Media presence, Katherine's taking Christ's promise of an abundant, joy fuelled life and running with it! You can find Katherine on most Social Media sites, as well as her website, katherinewalden.com "Not Always All Together, "Dare to Call Him Friend", "Seasons" are all available via Kindle or paperback on Amazon.com