Kathy Jentz is editor and publisher of Washington Gardener Magazine and hosts the popular GardenDC Podcast. A life-long gardener, Kathy believes that growing plants should be stress-free and enjoyable. Her philosophy is inspiration over perspiration. She is also the editor of the Water Garden Journal (IWGS), The Azalean (ASA), and Fanfare, for the local daylily society. She is also currently the Green Media columnist for the Mid-Atlantic Grower newspaper, where she does a great deal of hand-holding and coaxing to get independent garden centers, plant breeders, and other horticultural businesses to join the social media revolution and maximize their online brands. She is president of the Silver Spring Garden Club and on the board of several other horticultural clubs and organizations. Kathy’s work has been featured in numerous area publications including the Takoma Voice, Washington Examiner newspaper, Pathways Magazine, and Washington Women magazine. In addition, she appears on regular gardening guest spots on Channel 9, Channel 4, and WAMU radio in Washington, DC. She speaks on gardening and has been honored to have presented programs at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, the University of Maryland, and the Historic Society of Washington, DC. Audiences both large and small enjoy hearing her on topics as varied as Dealing with Deer to Small-Space Gardening. For reviews of her recent speaking engagements, see her listing at the Great Garden Speakers web site (http://greatgardenspeakers.com/listing/kathy-jentz-4c818b5cdacc5.html). Specialties: Local Regional Gardening in the Mid-Atlantic Speaking Garden Writing Lifestyle Writing Editing Social Media Her pronouns are she/her/hers. Last name pronounced: like "jets" with an "n" inserted before the "ts."