Ms. Katie Asher


I'm a writer because of my heart. My pen is an extension of it. My heart loves two things more than all others, my Savior and the five little people that began in my womb. That is my world. I have been a single mom for the last fifteen years, struggling to survive and maintain hope. My second child, now 25, is severely autistic. For over two decades he was trapped in his body with no way to communicate his intentional thoughts or emotions. His body betrayed his efforts to communicate every day of his life. Three years ago I learned how to give him a voice. That’s when I discovered my son was not intellectually disabled like the experts had claimed, but was actually brilliant and had incredible gifts. The discovery of my son’s heart and mind, after two excruciatingly painful decades, led me to research in depth the sensory/motor neurological phenomenon that manifests as autism, as opposed to the intellectual disability he had been labeled with. I have put in three years of intensive research and application of these findings. In our book I unravel and expose the emotional and spiritual struggle that parents of children with autism experience while they grapple with faith and God in the midst of severe trauma that never ceases. The Book of Heaven is our story. As for Houston, he is God's herald. Everything he lives and breathes is for Him. As he says, "I am a servant and child of Elohim. Jesus is my Savior and Lord." It is our prayer that each book becomes a seed of faith that unleashes the power of the living God to do the impossible.


