I don't remember a time when I wasn't writing. As soon as I learned to read and write, I was fascinated with creating stories. I wrote my first book when I was about 8 years old...a little story about a character called Tommy the Tortoise and his friends, who lived in Bluebell Wood. And, if you'd asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up, I would have told you I wanted to write books. Then, I became obsessed with a different hobby - ballet. So, my life dream changed to 'being a ballerina'. Injury put paid to that dream (I'm not sure how realistic it was anyway!) and I found myself as a teenager, following an academic path. My love of writing was still there. But I channelled that into a History Degree, eventually writing a PhD thesis. So, technically, that was my first book. You can read the professionally printed and bound copy in Cambridge University Library, if you wish! To be honest, my confidence in the idea that I could write stories, had somewhat dwindled! So, having decided I didn't want to live a life as an academic, I took my first job working as a Strategy Consultant. Life has some strange twists and turns...Illness put paid to that career path before it had really even got going. But that also led me to discover beads and beading. And, guess where that led...? Yes, that's right...my first published book, 'Sweet Treats'. Several more beading books have followed...and there will most likely be more to come! (You can find all the titles, available for sale, on my beading website, www.beadflowers.co.uk). But that old story-writing bug is still there. So, I've finally been brave enough to truly spiral back to my childhood dream and publish a children's story. I may yet find I have an adult novel in me as well - who knows? But I do know for sure that there are more children's books to come first. So, if you're one of my regular readers, thank you so much for supporting my efforts so far. If you're just discovering me, then welcome to my creative world and I hope you enjoy the ride!