Katryna Lalock


I often get asked, “Katryna, how did you come up with the idea for the Cryptids of America series?” The answer is simple - I was window shopping in Estes Park when I saw the plethora of Sasquatch merchandise and I wondered - would he be DTF? That’s really how I come up with all my ideas - I see something and think, “Man, what a wild story THAT would be.” Then I look it up and see there isn’t a story like that, get bummed…then fire up the old Mac and get to typing. I exclusively write stories with action in them - no fade to black here! - but the focus of the stories varies. The Cryptids of America is written as a series of shorts that can be read in any order, the only purpose is to make your toes curl and your mother blush. Other stories I write aren’t the same - some are longer form where the smut is just an added bonus. If you’re interested in contacting me please reach out at kll@cm-deer.com To keep up with latest releases, special editions and bonus chapters my website and newsletter are great resources at cm-deer.com/kll Lastly, I love social media like any other elder millennial. You can find me on instagram and TikTok at katrynalalock . Follow me - I love to interact with other readers and writers!



