For the past 30 years, Kelly Milner Halls has crafted high interest nonfiction books and articles for young readers. Known for quirky but well researched topics, Halls delights in drawing even reluctant readers into the realm of discovery through the explorations of dinosaurs, Sasquatch, UFO's or dozens of other unusual themes. She recently ventured into historic nonfiction, writing two new books about World War II--VOICES OF YOUNG HEROES and VOICES OF ORDINARY HEROES, MYSTERIES OF THE TITANIC and 19TH CENTURY AMERICAN HISTORY FOR KIDS. More, including ALL ABOUT HORSES will soon follow. She has applied the same conversational approach to these new projects she has always mastered in past projects. Kelly loves this new path, but promises more weird stuff is in the works. Kelly makes home in Spokane, WA with two daughters, two rescue cats and a goldfish called FishTV. Before Covid-19, she did dozens of school visits, festival and conference events all over the country. Now she also uses Virtual Visits to connect with young readers. Hopefully, traveling to meet kids at schools will return soon. Until then, Kelly Milner Halls will keep writing kid-friendly nonfiction books, sure to please. For more about Kelly, visit her website, www.wondersofweird.com. Or email her at kellymilnerh@aol.com.