Kendy Pearson


Kendy Pearson is a veteran high school teacher and an accomplished musician. She is also a music instructor, worship leader, Bluegrass fiddler, and Civil War reenactment enthusiast. When she discovers a pocket of American history omitted from the schoolbooks, she enjoys digging in and turning that pocket inside out. Her novels lead fictitious characters through real historical events and settings, engaging with period personalities—and she always includes a romantic thread to warm the heart. Every story is a journey through tragedy, secrets, regrets, and God’s undeniable grace. She is the recipient of five Cascade Awards, two Genesis Awards, and a Crown Award. Kendy enjoys public speaking and teaching writing workshops. She also relishes ice cream, snowy days, fireplaces, and Maple trees. Kendy is the mother of four grown children and lives with her sweet hubby and two amusing miniature dachshunds.


