Kenneth Sesley is the Senior Pastor and Apostolic Team Leader of Calvary Fellowship International, a local church in Carson, California. Started in 2006, Calvary Fellowship International's Vision is to Win the Lost, Make Disciples (or maturing followers of Christ) who live bold, victorious and abundant Christian lives, as together we multiply, dominate and make a difference in our world, planting churches throughout California, across America and around the world! Dr. Sesley is an experienced church planter, coach and church-growth strategist. Before beginning Calvary, he faithfully pastored Compton Christian Fellowship World Outreach Church and was named one of the 10 foremost pastors in the city of Compton! Currently, Pastor Sesley is the president of the South Bay Ministers Fellowship...A ministry to pastors and ministers throughout the South Bay. He is also the founder of, the Church Leadership Training ministry of Kenneth Sesley and Calvary Fellowship International.