Kent S. Jackson


Kent S. Jackson is founder and managing partner in the Jetlaw, LLC, law firm in Washington, D.C. His practice focuses on structuring aviation transactions and a broad range of aviation regulatory advice. He assists clients in establishing appropriate operating structures for Part 91, Part 135, Part 375, Part 380 and complex hybrid operations. He has assisted clients in obtaining Part 135, Part 125 and Part 380 authority. He has represented companies and individuals in DOT, CBP and FAA enforcement proceedings and IRS excise tax audits. Jackson’s clients include corporate jet owners, lessors, investment banks, manufacturers, airports and government agencies. Kent Jackson is a type-rated airline transport pilot, flight instructor and repairman with flight experience in Part 91 and 135 operations. He owned Blue Feather Charter, LLC, an Air Carrier that operated on-demand flights under FAR Part 135. He competes in Formula 1 Air Racing in Race Number 27, Once More. Jackson is admitted to practice law in the District of Columbia, Kansas, Missouri and New York. He frequently speaks on behalf of the National Business Aviation Association and other aviation groups. Jackson was the Founding Chairman of the National Business Aviation Association’s Tax Committee. He was the Founding Chairman of the NBAA Regulatory Issues Advisory Group. He served as a member of the NBAA Associate Member Advisory Council. He was a principal participant on the FAA’s Fractional Ownership Aviation Rulemaking Committee and the Part 125/135 Aviation Rulemaking Committee. He is the Industry Chairman of the current Part 135 Rest & Duty Aviation Rulemaking Committee. Since 1998, Jackson has written the legal column for Business & Commercial Aviation Magazine. He has written for Jeppesen's CFI Renewal Program, the Lawyer-Pilot's Bar Association Journal, Flight Training Magazine, Inside Air Charter and the Business Aviation Management Journal. He has been quoted in Aviation International News, Flying, and USA Today.

