Kevin Basconi


Kevin and Kathy Basconi are ordinary people who love an extraordinary God. They co-founded King of Glory Ministries International. They have a heart to share the gospel with the poor and, the Love of the Father to widows and orphans. They have visited 31 nations preaching the gospel and demonstrating the Kingdom of God in churches, conferences, and crusade meetings. The ministry is punctuated by many miracles, healings, and signs & wonders that confirm the Word of God. They live in the mountains of North Carolina where they pursue a lifestyle of intimacy with Jesus. Kevin is an internationally published author, and award winning artist. He the Author of several books including the trilogy "The Reality of Angelic Ministry Today" books 1, 2, & 3. Kevin's newest book, "The Sword of the Lord" is now available through King of Glory Ministries International. Kevin has been graced by God to see into the spiritual realm for over a decade and often sees and discerns angelic activity. Kevin is called to equip the Body of Christ to operate in the "Seer Anointing", and to help people understand how to enter into the presence and glory of God. You can more information about Kevin and Kathy at



