Kevin S. Crowder


About The Author Kevin S. Crowder Kevin S. Crowder, CEcD is the President of North Miami, Florida based BusinessFlare Economic Development Solutions (, and is an IEDC Certified Economic Developer (CEcD). His primary areas of expertise are redevelopment and economic development planning and implementation, market research, craft breweries and live music strategies, nighttime economies, public private partnerships, feasibility assessments and government affairs. Mr. Crowder was the Director of Economic Development and Government Affairs for the City of Miami Beach and the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency from 1998 to 2013. He formed BusinessFlare in 2013, and served as the economic development director for Redevelopment Management Associates from 2013 to 2018. He is a prior member of the board of directors of the Florida Council of Public Private Partnerships (FCP3) and the Florida Redevelopment Association (FRA), and served as chair of the FRA Legislative Committee. He is currently on the leadership council for the National Small Business Association, and is a member of the International Council of Shopping Centers, the International Economic Development Council, the Florida Redevelopment Association, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Key West Art & Historical Society, the Florida Venture Forum, the American Economics Association, the American Chili Society, the American Legion, the Choctaw Nation, the Florida Brewers' Guild and the Craft Brewers Association. He is a full member of the Urban Land Institute and participant on ULI Technical Advisory Panels. Mr. Crowder is also the President of the BusinessFlare Academy, a non profit focused on micro-entrepreneurial growth and economic development training for local elected officials. Mr. Crowder can be reached at or 786-671-2074. More information about the BusinessFlare Academy can be found at



