Kevin Erdmann


Kevin Erdmann is a former small businessman and a researcher in housing, monetary policy, and financial markets. In 2015, Erdmann began to reconsider a range of evidence contradicting commonly held beliefs about the pre-2007 American housing boom. His first book, "Shut Out", along with several extensions to his research, were published with the support of The Mercatus Center at George Mason University, where he continued to develop a revolutionary new approach to the practical roles of housing, debt, and money in recent American economic trends. In "Building from the Ground Up", he continues to unearth unappreciated lessons from the Great Recession and the preceding housing boom, which have attained fresh importance amid growing concerns over housing affordability. Acclaimed economist Scott Sumner wrote that Erdmann's first book, "Shut Out", "may end up being the most important housing book of the decade." and has called Erdmann "one of the most underrated thinkers in economics." In the journal, "Economic Record", Declan Trott, of Australia's Department of the Treasury, concluded his review of Erdmann's book, "Shut Out" with, "Erdmann, interestingly, is not a PhD economist, but a former small business owner with a master's in finance. As a member of the PhD tribe, I occasionally found myself wishing for more equations and regression coefficients, and simpler charts. But still, somebody should give him an honorary degree." His work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Barron's, the National Review, USA Today, and Politico, and it has been featured on C-SPAN.


