Kevin J. Vanhoozer


Kevin J. Vanhoozer (Ph.D., Cambridge University) is currently Research Professor of Systematic Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Previously he was Blanchard Professor of Theology at the Wheaton College Graduate School and Senior Lecturer in Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland (1990-98). He is the author or editor of twenty books, including The Drama of Doctrine: A Canonical-Linguistic Approach to Christian Theology (Westminster John Knox, 2005 - named best theology book of 2006 by Christianity Today), Remythologizing Theology: Divine Action, Passion, and Authorship (Cambridge University Press, 2010) and, most recently, Mere Christian Hermeneutics: Transfiguring What it Means to Read the Bible Theologically (Zondervan, 2024 – named best academic theology book of 2024 by Christianity Today). In 1999 he appeared on the cover of Christianity Today as one of the six "new theologians" featured in the lead story. He is theological mentor to the Augustine Fellowship of the Center for Pastor Theologians and Senior Fellow of the C. S. Lewis Institute for Discipleship. He is married to Sylvie (author of The Art of Living in Season and The Art of Living in Advent), has two daughters, one son-in-law, and fifteen doctoral students. He is an amateur classical pianist and serious reader, and finds that music and literature help him integrate academic theology and spiritual formation.



