Kit-Bacon Gressitt


Spawned by a Southern Baptist creationist and a liberal social worker, K-B inherited the requisite sense of humor to survive family dinner-table debates and the imagination to avoid them. This inevitably resulted in her becoming the publisher and a founding editor of the intersectional feminist literary journal WRITERS RESIST and a contributing editor of WRITERS RESIST: THE ANTHOLOGY 2018. K-B was born in Bawlmer, Maryland, suffered pigtail pulling in New Jersey, and headed West to eventually earn an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of California, Riverside/Palm Desert. Having flipped the bird to the corporate patriarchy, she now teaches Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies in the Cal State University system and hosts the Writers Read author series at Fallbrook Library, in San Diego County. K-B’s narrative nonfiction, commentary, political fiction, book reviews and author features have been published in Hard Crackers, Evening Street Review and Evening Street Press, Not My President: The Anthology of Dissent (Thoughtcrime Press, December 2017), Publishers Weekly, Ducts, The Missing Slate, Trivia: Feminist Voices, and others. Follow her on Twitter @kbgressitt.

