Kokeb McDonald


Kokeb Girma McDonald is a pediatric occupational therapist and the founder of Polaris Therapy. She is the mother of two wonderful children, and has extensive professional experience working with young people of all ages and backgrounds, since 2004. Recognizing the need for practical and universally accessible primitive-reflex-integration programs, Kokeb created Integrating Primitive Reflexes Through Play and Exercise book series and online courses to empower and reassure frustrated parents, and to offer fellow professionals a tool to expand their clinical reach. Kokeb’s formal education includes a Bachelor’s of Science in Occupational Therapy, and a Master’s of Science in Health Care Administration, Management, and Change in Health Care Options. She also has additional training in the Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI), Integrated Listening Systems (iLs), Interactive Metronome (IM), and Learning Without Tears. Sign up on integratingreflexes.com for additional resources.


