Kristin Costello is the producer and host of Wellness Talk Radio An independent AM FM Radio show broadcasting on the California central coast and the internet since 2005. The show features in-depth interviews with national authors on health, parenting, helping kids with special needs, education, caregiving, aging well, entrepreneurship and leadership, writing and many other topics. , Published titles include, How to Help Your ADHD Child The Interview with Dr. Ned Hallowell How to Be Happier The Interview with Author Marci Shimoff Money and Spirituality An Interview with Robert Kiyosaki and Tenzin Kacho, Parenting Your Highly Intuitive Child An Interview with Catherine Crawford Can Curiosity Cure Your Anxiety? An Interview with Todd Kashdan Raising Your Challenging Child with Love and Joy Expert Interviews with Marci Shimoff Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Ned Hallowell. The Dash Diet Health Plan: How to Lose Weight and Feel Great in 30 Days Many have been bestsellers on Amazon. Kristin lives in California and enjoys spending time with her family, reading, writing and coming up with ideas for new projects and adventures. You can learn more at or connect with her on Twitter at@AMkriscostello