Ghanaian-born Jamaican/ American poet, Kwame Dawes is the award-winning author of eighteen books of poetry and numerous books of fiction, non-fiction, criticism and drama and has edited nine anthologies and numerous books of poetry. He is the Glenna Luschei Editor of Prairie Schooner, and a Chancellor’s Professor of English at the University of Nebraska, and Associate Poetry Editor for Peepal Tree Press in the UK. Kwame Dawes also teaches in the Pacific MFA Writing program and is a faculty member of Cave Canem. Dawes’ most recent book, Duppy Conqueror: New and Selected Poems, was published by Copper Canyon in 2013. Dawes is the Director of the biennial Calabash International Literary Festival. Dawes is the author of what is still the most definitive study of the lyrics of Bob Marley, "Bob Marley: Lyrical Genius" He has produced much scholarly work on what he has coined "The Reggae Aesthetic". Dawes lives with his family in Nebraska where he is still trying to understand the language of the big skies.