Founder Jim Rohn International (JimRohn.com), YourSuccessStore.com and KyleWilson.com Connect with Kyle via social media, plus free bonuses including 52 Lessons I Learned From Jim Rohn and Other Legends I Promoted http://KyleWilson.com/connect “I guard my endorsements carefully. Regarding Kyle, he is simply a marketing genius! No joke. Kyle was the wizard behind the successful business of my mentor Jim Rohn. Every marketing dilemma I have ever had Kyle has given me the brilliant and elegant solution on the spot. Kyle’s consulting has saved and earned me hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years.” Darren Hardy, former Publisher SUCCESS Magazine “Kyle, thank you for our partnership and friendship. Friendship is wealth and you make me a rich man. You are the best!” Jim Rohn “I have worked closely with Kyle Wilson for 20 years. He is one of the best all-around marketers, promoters, business-builders and entrepreneurs in the business today. We have generated more than a million dollars together.” Brian Tracy "Kyle is one of the wisest and most brilliant marketing consultants in the world. He is the man behind the great marketing of Jim Rohn International and so many other personal development legends. He is not only someone I’ve enjoyed collaborating and working with for over two decades, but also a close and valued friend. I recommend Kyle without equivocation.” Mark Victor Hansen “I've known and worked with Kyle Wilson for over 20 years. Kyle is the ONLY person that ALWAYS under-promised and over-delivered every single time my dad Zig and I worked with him. He is a valued friend and some one I have great admiration and respect for!" Tom Ziglar, President of Zig Ziglar Corp Kyle Wilson Bio: Kyle is the founder of Jim Rohn International, YourSuccessStore.com and KyleWilson.com He’s worked with the top names in the personal development industry including his 18 year biz partner, friend and mentor Jim Rohn, as well as Og Mandino, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, Darren Hardy, Robin Sharma and many others. Kyle is the author of 52 Lessons I Learned from Jim Rohn and Other Great Legends I Promoted! and co-authored Chicken Soup for the Entrepreneur’s Soul with Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield. Kyle has filled huge seminar rooms, launched and published over a dozen personal development publications with over a million subscribers a week and has produced/published over 100+ hours of DVD and CD programs. Kyle sold his companies in lat 2007 and became a Mr Mom for 7 years. He now does coaching & consulting, host the Kyle Wilson Inner Circle Mastermind and has published multiple #1 Best Selling books.