Kyler Doss


Kyler Doss has got a pocketful of chocolate milk receipts from the bus depots he has gone through. His note on the reverse side of one of the receipts: Arizona rules. A graduate of the University of Arizona, Kyler writes fiction that is set in a lot of places - the coming-of-age stories boys in love would recognize on any map you can google or unfold. See KylerDoss online. Author note... I fell asleep on a sidewalk in Tulsa, Oklahoma. You see, it was the middle of the morning and I had spent long hours on the bus coming in from West Texas. When you finally wake up in a situation like that, you are going to take away some feelings from the experience. The incident itself doesn't actually make it into any of my fiction. Not yet, anyhow. I am willing to experiment with anything that might fit somewhere within a character's life. To zero in on a character or two is how I approach the story. I want to take a look into a singular world no matter how narrow the world is.



