Brett Larson Bio: BSIE, MBA, CPC, ELI-MP Brett is a Leadership Development Professional at Humessence, LLC. with a BS in Industrial Engineering from the University of Michigan and an MBA from Colorado University. Brett has lead teams for 30 years and has 5 years of experience developing and applying a leadership development program known as HUMan-Based LEadership development (HUM-B-LE). This program is detailed in his book, Discovering Leaders Within: A modern guide for cultivating your team’s potential. Brett received his professional coaching certification in 2017 and enrolled in a doctorate program in Organizational Leadership which exposed him to vast amounts of research on what makes leaders and leadership development programs effective. At the heart of his approach is teaching individual and team emotional intelligence which is the attribute most highly correlated with high performing leaders. In HUM-B-LE, Brett partners with Leaders in growing their self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and developing healthy relationships. These skills create respectful, authentic connections toward creating a climate of psychological safety that enables engagement and peak performance. This leads to exceptional business results. Brett is available to give workshops, as a keynote speaker, and can implement HUM-B-LE to grow leadership excellence in your organization. He can be reached at Brett lives in Bend, OR with his wife Kara. He enjoys gardening, hiking/camping, woodworking and growing his spirituality primarily through nature. He has 3 adult sons (Kyle, Keenan, and Cam) and 2 adult stepdaughters (Maya and Emma), 2 dogs (Poe and Nali) and 2 cats (Jeff and Smiles). Chickens are due to be added the spring of 2023. Social Media Links: - Business website: - Podcasts: o The Leadership Project: Episode 38 (Leaders with a Capital L – Brett Larson) o The Present Professional: Episode 10 (Brett Larson on Human-Based Leadership Development for your Life, Career and Organization - LinkedIn: - Instagram: