Laura G. Lee


Laura G. Lee is a second-generation Korean American born in the wild mountains of West Virginia. Her forest-filled childhood, pondering beings great and small, nurtured a keen sense of observation that Laura brings to her lifelong career as a designer and artist. After studying interactive media and design at NYU Tisch School of the Arts, and a MA degree in Architecture from Columbia University, Laura's worn the hats of filmmaker, design researcher, and product designer. Using digital and traditional art mediums (watercolor, ink, pencil), she is passionate about stories that spark our connection to the world and each other. Laura lives in a lovingly-restored Eichler home in Northern California, where she lives with her husband, son, and daughter. When she's not making books, you might spot her around town on a perpetual hunt for authentic Korean-Chinese jajangmyeon (a black bean noodle dish eaten in Seoul, Korea in the 1960s) or delightfully discovering modern day uses for Korean gochujang (red chili paste).


