About Lawrence Townsend Vose, Some will see me and review me as a disgrace to the author community. I cant spell worth a dam, my vocabulary is quite short, and I have a hard time putting a proper sentence together. I have only been writing sinse I became 100%, disabled in 2018 and what I have to work with is a mountain of experience and wisdom. I spent 45 years as a carpenter/building contractor and worked all over the United States. I have hired and became very close to a thousand families. And my heart has always been filled with love and compassion for all. But yet I can be just as trecherous as anyone, to anyone, that threatens me, my family, and my true friends. I have been responsible for saving lives and destroying them that deserve it. I have fought as many important fights in my life as Rocky Balboa and won the fights I should have and lost the ones I deserved to. I am up, I am down, I am all around. I can see your life as well as you mine, and am perseptive enough to know if you should be caged or allowed to roam free. I can see evil long before it sees me and be ready for when we meet. Its not being bragadosious. Its fact. And thats why I can write a story. You dont have to be an author, but you do need to be able to magnatise the reader. And that, I can do. I can write so many true stories that anyone would have the right to call me a liar. Problem is. I am not. I have captured a murderer and been the key witness. I have foiled a rape in progress and also been the key witness. I have found a cashe of 2" X 14" AJAX Dynomite and brought it home. And I have been attacked by a pedophile 56 nyears ago when I was 10 and cut him to shreads. I have seen my guardian angel and he saved my life. I have seen a UFO and all I did was look down and away. I did not run and I was not in fear. I have been a crack head and a heroin addict. My father committed suicide when I was 10 years old by sticking a 12 guage shotgun in his mouth and my mom, whom I loved and cherished died of a massive heart attack at the age of 49. I beat my first step dad with a baseball bat and used that bat to also make the All-Star little league championship team as a pitcher, catcher, center fielder. My second step dad a year before my mom passed away, died of cancer. And before he passed away tought me how to be a finish carpenter. It sent me on the road that lead me where I am today. Which put me in a field of work where I had to start at the top and work my way down. The point is. You really dont need to be an author to publish a well written and enjoyable read. And thats what I am. I can tell you a story. From the first page to the last that will keep your attention and make you guess what will happoen next. For which you will not know till you get there. So.... The normal information an authorshould probably provide would be this... I was born in 1955 in Portland Maine. Both parents passed away at a very young age and was raised by loving grandparents beginning at the age of 10. At the age of 23 started a construction company and spent the next 42 years building residential homes and commercial buildings. 15 of those years were spent working for a large company out of New Jersey traveling the country, constructing whatever structures needed. Wisdom was gained and the price was paid. At the age of 62 all work had stopped due to severe health problems and that is when the writing began. Guilty of infringing on undeserving turf would be the only setback. Lack of experience, ack of a vocabulary and the ability to write proper sentences will hinder nothing. Though apologies are offered. But, the pronounced ability to tell a story is what will make a writer. This will be my legacy after all pages are turned. So until then, the writing will continue. The spotlight is on the TV book series, "The Ringing". Book one and two are out and three in August. Book two needs to be pulled and a better manuscript uploaded. I wrote book two in a hurry and it isn't what I had hoped it would be. But the main story line is on target. The true zombie affect was never to be a bio weapon. Or any of what the many other causes for the zombie. Such as all the different reason they say caused the zombie to exist. None of what they currently write about in the many zombie movies are accurate.This is the truth and only reason for the zombie. It is when Jesus returns and takes the soul of man home with him to live in heaven. And leaves behind the empty container. The true zombie. The carcus of man. In its empty lifeless form. Knowing nothing, being nothing, walking the earth with no cause, and with no memory of its existance. And the only humans left to protect Earth from invasion and take over are the people that had a ringing in their head their entire life. The frequency of the Gods. Born with direction, cause, and the will to complete their task born unto them. They will merge, fight battles, live, love, and survive. They are the people of "The Ringing" Other books by me are, true story, "10 Year Old Makes A Pedophile Bleed" Children short stories such as , "Cherish And Charlie The Frog" "Little Jonny Pancake" "The Lady And Tramp" "Old Shoes New Shoes" "Homeless In Oakland" And another true story " The Dynomite Kid" And an adult story that is a current issue in the world named, "15 Men And heir Message To Pedophiles Around The World" Another is my own account of facebook and what I do on the site, called, "The Angry Facebook American" another book titled "The End Of Time And Why" Another action book titled, "9 Men Take Out Honduran Drug Cartel" And last but certainly not least, is my autobiography. This book is so long that I could not complete it. I could NOT keep the order of events in line because there were so many. I attempted to get a manuscript ready for 3 years and could not do it. So I uploaded the entire mess just as I left it. So jumbled full of garble and truth that there is no chance at all of any of you understanding who I really am. I just said to heck with it. And let er rip. If there is any person out there that think they could re write this book to a flowing understandable story about my life. I would sign the entire rights over to them. Because it is an impossible task. And it is also the fact that no one cares about who LTV is. So, who would do it. I know I am nobody. I can accept that. And people will never care. But I have left a legacy for my children, my grandchildren and there grandchildren. If, in fact the world survives that long. I love all of you and wish the best... LTV