Born and raised in Texarkana, Tx, I presently live in Fort Worth, Tx. I'm married to a Romanian immigrant, Zina, and we have two beautiful daughters together, Emilia and Caroline. I graduated college from the former East Texas State with a degree in History. I spent a lot of years living in Austin, playing disc golf, and boating without a rudder. After moving to Fort Worth and getting a family, I turned my thoughts to writing. I bought a stack of text books, studied, and worked my hiney off. I'm excited to see where this journey leads me. On a personal scale, my favorite dish is steak. I like to grill and play golf. I've written around forty unpublished songs. The cosmos fascinate me. I've seen the Southern Cross. I believe in little things. I'm into staying up, champagne, and laughing out loud, but otherwise I'm a bore. God is good.