Many people say I am fearless and a little bit crazy. I promise you I am not. In 1966, I met Christ, and since that day, the focus of my life has been to help people find and then follow Jesus. Over the years, this focus has driven me to work long hours in one job so I could do ministry in another for free, to work with at-risk students and gangs. (Yes, Bloods, Crips, and Skinheads would come to my house each week and find out about Jesus.) I’ve planted two churches where more than a thousand people met Christ, and in 2011, I launched the 4GENetwork, a ministry dedicated to making disciples who make disciples. 4GENetwork has trained close to 400,000 pastors and leaders from six continents and about 100 countries of the world from more than 250 denominations, and we are just getting started. Our work has taken me to places where the only thing to do at night is lock yourself in a room in a compound surrounded by concrete and razor wire. We have trained pastors in regions of Africa that when they hear a motorcycle pass by, they drop to the ground because riders have often delivered bombs via motorcycles. We have fled to new regions in the dark of night, and much of our training is carried out in clandestine locations. I swear to you, I am not crazy—I’m just really focused on seeing people meet Jesus through well-trained disciple-makers who make disciples. I speak around the country and the world and would love to speak at your church or ministry.