Lesley Barklay is the author of the children's books 'Road to Bethlehem,' 'Return to Bethlehem', and 'Lost in Jerusalem,' adult fantasy novel 'Remnant', and the co-author of 'A Comedy of (Classroom) Errors' - a book of short true stories about teaching. She is currently working on an adult fantasy series, a young adult scifi series, and a middle-grade adventure series. Why write one, when you can write four? At university, Lesley decided to follow Jesus, which completely changed the course of her life. A teacher by day, writer by night, Lesley loves Jesus, her family, reading, writing, and discipling teens. She lives in rural Australia with her husband, twelve-year-old son, ten-year-old daughter, one chicken, and three fish. In her spare time, you can find her procrastinating from writing by watching authortube. Contact her at authorlesleybarklay@gmail.com