To many, the words holistic and natural are merely popular expressions. However, for Leslie Morán they accurately describe her approach to living and loving life, feeling joyful, and creating wellness. Her extensive background in holistic and natural health care methods naturally developed to include animals when, as a young adult, she began caring for animal companions of her own. Because avian holistic nutrition is about 40 years behind what is readily available for dogs and cats, Leslie is presently putting her focus in this area. Her goal is to end avian malnutrtion by teaching bird lovers to feed wholesome real foods in portions that provide nutritional balance for parrots and finches. Presently, avian malnutrition is the leading cause of illness, disease and early death of companion birds. Being a well-published journalist, her articles have appeared in numerous regional, national, and international publications. These include feature articles in Australian Birdkeeper magazine, Bird Talk (US), Whole Cat Journal (US), Whole Dog Journal (US) and Petfolio (Reno, Nevada, US). Leslie has written feature articles and her monthly column, ‘The Holistic Parrot’, for Parrots magazine in England since 2002. Leslie is a Holistic Animal Nutrition and Care Consultant, a Reiki Master Teacher, animal intuitive and communicator. Recognized as being a skilled and effective healer, she is adept at using a balanced food plan, that serves as the powerful foundation for healing, as she combines natural care knowledge, alternative healing methods, and intuitive insights to help resolve health or behavior imbalances for animals of all types. She writes, and provides personal consultations, from her facility in Nevada. For information on importing Best Bird Food Ever! into Japan, please contact her in the US for more information.