My name is Lew White, and I am the author of Fossilized Customs, Strong Delusion, Truth Or Tradition, Torah Zone, Return Of Yahusha, Who Is Allah, Sunday Origins, Wormwood, Nimrod's Secret Identity, Torah Zone, Reapers, I am Yahuah, The Story Of Electric Ladyland, The LIE, Last Natsarim, LOVE, TIMELINE, Fall Of Babel, TETRAGRAMMATON, MAGISTERIUM, SPIRITUAL CAPTIVITY, and the English translator of: Besorah Of Yahusha Natsarim Version (BYNV). These books encourage a reader to discover a purpose underlying why we should obey the Ten Commandments, rather than see them as being impossible to obey, as most people have been taught for centuries. Since childhood, I've asked those who taught me to explain why we do the things we do, and what their origins were. The answers they gave me did not satisfy my curiosity. The practicing of men's traditions and religious customs seen everywhere on Earth are derived from Babel, and forbidden by the Word of our Creator, Yahuah. The original meanings of symbols and practices were camouflaged under new meanings, and when exposed by the light of truth, they are all connected to ancient fertility rites of Babel. My books share the same message described at Acts 17:16-32, as Paul discussed the Truth with the philosophers at the Areopagus in Athens. We are created from one blood, we stopped listening to the instructions of our Creator, and all men must repent because a day is coming when all mankind will face judgment. What we think is expressed in our behavior. If we exhibit a bitterness toward obeying, we've been trained to disobey by the teaching authority we have accepted. If we receive a love for the Truth, then we love to obey the Word of Yahuah. I have always been driven to learn the motivation and purpose for things, and where our habits came from. When we find our purpose, we commit to accomplishing it, and use each day to take steps toward it. A purpose gives meaning to everything we do, and we can help others discover theirs. Each one of us is here for a purpose, and when we find what that purpose is, we can see it in others as well, and help one another to accomplish the universal purpose described by the most famous Person ever to walk this planet, yet His Name is hardly ever spoken. His Name is revealed in the translation mentioned above, the Besorah Of Yahusha Natsarim Version, or BYNV. "Love Yahuah with all your heart, mind, being, and strength." "Love one another as I have loved you."