Lindsey Biel is an occupational therapist in New York City. She works with infants, toddlers, schoolage children, adolescents, and adults with sensory challenges, autism, physical disabilities, learning differences and other challenges. She is a popular speaker across the country and overseas, teaching parents, teachers, therapists, and others about how to support kids and teens, especially those with sensory difficulties. Prior to becoming an OT 25+ years ago, Lindsey was a freelance writer. Her books, which have been translated into Spanish, Turkish, Polish, Chinese, Croatian, and other languages, are the culmination of her work as a therapist and a writer. She is on the advisory boards of the Guggenheim For All educational program, the Museum of the Moving Image's autistic media makers program, and the Gateway School of Mumbai, among others. Nonprofessional memberships include the National Coalition Against Censorship, the Jane Goodall Institute, and The Gorilla Foundation.