Lisa Hamilton


Lisa Hamilton is a wife, homeschooling mom, and online teacher who began using her experiences with education and teaching to begin writing and designing Bible study guides and journals. After years of creating curriculum for homeschool and online classes, participating in and leading Bible studies, Lisa found herself looking for something she couldn’t find. She needed something different than the typical Bible study that provided ALL the information and answers, whether in book or video form. She wanted a Bible study that taught you HOW to study the Bible … WHILE studying the Bible! This is what her Bible studies and journals are all about! Her favorite study is her Psalms Bible Study Journal, because the book of Psalms itself showcases God's 'always-presence' with us as Christ followers. She cherishes the truth from God's word that 'He will never leave us or forsake us'. Her most recent study is her Esther Bible Study Journal, where we see God's providence and sovereignty masterfully redeeming and restoring His people. It's God working behind the scenes, but still absolutely present! Connect with Lisa on FB or IG to follow along in her Esther Bible Study Journal! Or visit the Hamilton Publishing website and *new* blog! Jonah Bible Study Journal to be released later in 2025!



