My life is a beautiful mix of family, work, volunteering, and play-time. I have four of the coolest kids and a new grandson in whom I am so proud. I mirror my youngest daughter and wear red glasses to help raise awareness, acceptance and hope for the millions of children and families living with special needs and disabilities, just like us. It's so dear to my heart, that I founded Red Glasses Productions in 2014 and wrote "We're Not So Different After All" to help develop early-childhood compassion and understanding in honor of my youngest daughter, Maggie Hope (diagnosed with Trisomy 8 Mosaicism). Through my book, I hope to inspire a generation of parents and their children to better understand and embrace people that look and act differently. In my free time, I LOVE to travel, visit my cabin in Northern Arizona and spend time with my family! I'm 100% Colombian so I fancy a great cup of coffee and watching an exciting soccer game. Did I mention that I have the grooviest '78 VW Bus named Gilly? One day I hope to retire and seek new adventures all over the country in my Hippie Wagon. To learn more and join the RED GLASSES MOVEMENT follow me on social media: Instagram: @lissettie and @redglassesorg