I've been writing and illustrating picture books for children for over twenty-five years. Though I majored in art in college, at the time I wasn't sure what kind of artist to be. Fortunately, it turned out that combining words and art to create picture books was a perfect career for me. Most of my books center around a particular topic such as fractions, the solar system, writing, and other math, science, and language arts curriculum content. The characters and story lines help to put the subject matter into a meaningful context for young readers. After growing up mostly in Delaware, I moved to central Florida in the mid 1980s and currently live with my husband Andy on a three acre property with hawks, herons, and horses (the horses live next door.) We love the rustle of the pine needles in the breeze, the screeching of sandhill cranes flying overhead, and the chattering of many small birds that come and go as they please.