Louis H. Campbell


About Louis H. Campbell (Dr. Lou) Entering the genre of the American Western, the author has expanded his repertoire, drawing from his years in cattle ranching high in the Colorado Rockies. Old ghost towns and contemporary legacies from the past provide much resource for writing such works as The Animas River Incident, Soledad McQuay, the Saga of Leather Britches McQuay and a fine collection of old west stories under the title of Gunflame. The author of over 65 books, Lou enjoys researching, writing and sharing his experiences in imaginative ways. Having visited 74 different countries working and consulting in many, his experiences are well above ordinary. Married 58 years, his incredible bride and special friend has been engaged in his work in many ways. Because of her, the ample resource for experiences has given a continuing and prolific flow of work written by Louis H. Campbell. Much of his work has to do with relationships. The Eternity Ring has a uniquely special significance. While the book is a precious post World War II travelogue that progresses through two decades, the cover is by artist Laura "Lolly" Campbell, who is the author's bride. Dr. Lou has one of the most diverse pens. Growing up in the mountains of Colorado, he has written four collections of autobiographical fiction under the title of The Paradise Collection. These are Red Suspenders, Paradise Discovered, Paradise Explored and Paradise Remembered. Delving into murder mysteries, a perky Lieutenant Sheri Clearman leads us through intense murder mysteries with unconventional and plots, solved by a brilliant woman detective. Motive Means and Opportunity along with The Chameleon Murderer brings this witty character to life. More of this kind of work is in progress. A delightful parody titled Fort Worth History According to Shad McVean is a humorous look at the development of the Gem City of the West. Along with other stories engaging life experiences and interpersonal relationships, another important tale about sailing is found in a contemporary story set in New England, called Iota Point. The author's love for sailing is replete in various trips and voyages around the world including his first novel, Wind of Destiny. The sequel completing this story is called Aunt Ida's Niece. Each experience in life consummates with an enigmatic story. Shadows After the Rain set in Holland and engaging characters from the artist Johann Vermeer resulted in the Campbell's being hosted by the Vermeer Museum in Delft Holland for a book signing to commence their 50th-anniversary honeymoon on the Rhine River. In dedication to Louis L'Amour and Zane Grey, Gunflame, a collection of short stories from the old west is available along with a tale on the narrow gauge railroad from Durango to Silverton, Colorado called the Animas River Incident. Soledad McQuay is yet another tale of the old west with a twist. Two more collections are in process celebrating the emerging of the Old West. Classical theatre director and author, "Dr. Lou" as his students and proteges of 51 years call him, married Laura Lynn (Williams) his college sweetheart in 1965. Visiting different countries consulting and teaching, he has directed and performed plays, musicals, opera, television and film covering the last half of the Twentieth Century. His adaptation of the Ibsen play A Doll's House, which has enjoyed a premiere production of this work and finds much to offer for married couples seeking effective communication. His directing of the work is also found on YouTube. Also available, The Redemption of Dr. Faust is an adaptation and amalgamation of Goethe and Marlowe's epic story about Faust, originally staged in 1973 by the author, involving 106 cast members, is a solid statement in the use of theatre. Not a genre writer, the author captures many different experiences in literature. No One Who Cares, a story of gendercide, is set in contemporary India. The Sweet Dream of Life is a peculiar combination of life's experiences and set in Bogota, Colombia. It is translated into three languages. Drawn from personal experiences around the world, these stories are engaging for those with an active imagination and a good vocabulary. A progenitor of the contemporary physical theatre movement, his new text Memoirs on Mime for all Time is now available and summarizes his years involved in teaching and working with principles developed from his directing the First International Mime Institute and Festival in 1974. Protégé of Tyrone Guthrie, Etienne Decroux and Barrie Stavis, names now indelible in theatre history, "Dr. Lou" focuses his theatre training philosophy on a thorough and organic approach to knowledge of the body as an instrument of expression. His precedent-setting text Fearfully and Wonderfully Made documents his legendary material on anatomy and physiology from a Christian world view and is now available. Another text just released is a unique work titled The Arts in Ministry and Missions, which is gaining considerable attention in seminaries around the world. He is the recipient of the coveted Men of Achievement Award from Cambridge University, England. On literacy, his publications continue to be a diverse collection of creative fiction. The allegory Peregrina and her Beloved, is also a screenplay. In contrast is the trilogy of historical fiction, The Echo of Silence, Symphony of Silence, and A Doxology of Life, along with Ransom's Fire, a touching story of intercultural relationships set in the Philippines. A contemporary Incident Without Honor is complemented by a collection of Short Stories about North Texas called the Trinity River Watershed. With the release of a pulp romance called Someplace Close to Paradise, he offers a variety of genres and types of reading. The Tapestry of Pas De Deux is a story designed for dancers, but also for anyone in the performing arts. The Dawn's Early Light is a comment on the clash between an immoral government and a conservative constituency that is so prevalent in today's world. For those who love travel and are particularly fond of Ireland and Scotland, The Righting of Augustus Marie is a fine remembrance. Aunt Ida's Niece completes the story initiated in Wind of Destiny which sold out in its initial printing in one year, catering to the English-speaking population of Southeast Asia. Down Mexico Way - 1963 is an autobiographical account of an actual trip taken over fifty years ago. Currently, he is working on four additional books that will be released before the end of the year.


