Lucy James


Hi, I’m Lucy, I’m a mother, wife, homemaker, businesswoman and author. I try to make all these things work together. This means I love writing books for children, for busy people who want tasty, quick, and affordable meals and for those who want to run a more efficient home. I think of my home as a complex business. It has a bunch of different people with different needs, it has a budget – which could always be bigger - and it has an important mission. The mission is to have a harmonious, practical and efficient home that ensures everyone can flourish and be happy - including, of course, me. My bible on creating an efficient home is under construction and I have a proposed release date for it of March 20, 2022. My extended series of short ‘for kids’ books, that explores topics young children adore, should be fully uploaded to Kindle by the end of February 2022. Before becoming a full-time homemaker and author, I worked as a commercial lawyer. I also have a master’s degree in social sciences.



